One of the most widely used programs for data analysis is Microsoft Excel. Today, businesses are required to understand a growing amount of company, market and social data to drive effective business decisions and remain competitive. This trend of analytics everywhere is driving a shift in the roles of business consumers, as the need for direct data access, ad-hoc analyses and in-depth reporting is growing beyond the capacity of their IT departments. Look closely—Excel—the Office productivity tool,is the most powerful tool that you need to learn to empower you to drive the information analyses and data-driven decisions critical to your business.

Course Outline

Module 1: Getting Started

Basic Understanding of Excel 

Navigation in spreadsheet 

Saving opening and closing workbooks 

Module 2: Formatting a Spreadsheet

Adjusting column widths and row heights 

Changing alignment of cells 

Undoing and redoing actions 

Formatting numbers 

Applying Borders 

Merging cells 

Module 3: Basic Formulas and Functions

Enter formulas 

Auto sum 

Using simple summary functions (Sum, count. Average, min, max, Abs, Counta, CountBlank, Averagea,Rank, SumProduct) 

Cell referencing -Absolute and Relative 

Conditonal functions (Sumif, countif, averageif, sumifs, averageifs, countifs) 

Rounding Functions- Round, Roundup, Rounddown 

Date - Day, Date, Month, Year, Now, Today 

Volatile Functions - Rand, Randbetween 

Working with named ranges and table 

Logical Functions,Applying conditions using IF and Nested IF, And, Or, IsNA, Iserror and many more 

Lookup Functions - Vlookup, Hlookup, Automation using Match, Index 

Text Functions - Trim, Concatenate, Lower, Proper, Upper, Left, Right, Len, Text to Columns 

Module 4: Basic Selection/Editing Techniques

Using Cut, Copy and Paste Operations 

Using Paste Special- Value, Format, Transpose, Operations, Skip Blanks etc 

Selection Techniques 

Navigation Techniques 

Module 5:  Working with Large Worksheets

Freeze/Unfreeze Panes 

Splitting windows